London Bridge Experi ence

London Tombs

The history:
The history:
As the Black Death

As the Black Death ravaged the capital in 1665, the death ravaged the capital in 1665, the death toll peaked at 6,000 people a week. toll peaked at 6,000 people a week. London Bridge was one of the places London Bridge was one of the places where the more unfortunate were laid where the more unfortunate were laid to rest — in the infamous ‘plague pits’. to rest — in the infamous ‘plague pits’. More than 350 years later, and in the More than 350 years later, and in the midst of excavation for the new London midst of excavation for the new London Bridge Experience attraction, piles of Bridge Experience attraction, piles of skeletons were uncovered. This made skeletons were uncovered. This made the workmen quite nervous, even
the workmen quite nervous, even
more so when some of them reported more so when some of them reported shadowy figures passing by...
shadowy fi gures passing by...

The tour:
The tour:
The London Bridge

The London Bridge Experience is an educational trip back Experience is an educational trip back in time, taking in medieval knights,
in time, taking in medieval knights, warriors such as William Wallace and warriors such as William Wallace and historical luminaries such as Charles historical luminaries such as Charles Dickens. Further down, the London Dickens. Further down, the London Tombs are a trip into the very bowels Tombs are a trip into the very bowels of the city, employing ‘Hollywood style’ of the city, employing ‘Hollywood style’ special effects to enhance the already special effects to enhance the already sinister atmosphere. If you’re not a fan sinister atmosphere. If you’re not a fan of shadowy underground caverns that of shadowy underground caverns that were formerly home to the corpses were formerly home to the corpses
of plague victims, this probably isn’t
of plague victims, this probably isn’t the excursion for you.
the excursion for you.

Where: Tooley Street, London Bridge

Tooley Street, London Bridge (Underground: London Bridge). (Underground: London Bridge). Price: �14.95.


haunted pubs

The history:
The history:
You know how it is.

You know how it is. You go out for a few civilised ales, You go out for a few civilised ales, someone has one too many and someone has one too many and before you know it, you’re being before you know it, you’re being brutally murdered and your spirit brutally murdered and your spirit
is doomed to walk the grounds for is doomed to walk the grounds for all eternity. Many people might not all eternity. Many people might not mind the idea of being on licensed mind the idea of being on licensed premises until the end of time and premises until the end of time and these London pubs all have ghostly these London pubs all have ghostly residents that mix with the punters. residents that mix with the punters.
The pubs:
The pubs:
Most of London’s oldest

Most of London’s oldest pubs have ghost stories, but The pubs have ghost stories, but The Spaniard’s Inn in Hampstead has Spaniard’s Inn in Hampstead has
a spectral A-lister in the form of
a spectral A-lister in the form of highwayman Dick Turpin, said to highwayman Dick Turpin, said to haunt the upstairs room. Downstairs, haunt the upstairs room. Downstairs, his namesake Black Dick tugs
his namesake Black Dick tugs

drinkers’ sleeves. The Volunteer in drinkers’ sleeves. The Volunteer in Baker Street has haunted cellars, while Baker Street has haunted cellars, while The Old Queen’s Head in Islington

The Old Queen’s Head in Islington
has a ghostly mother and mysterious has a ghostly mother and mysterious chills that open and close doors for chills that open and close doors for
no apparent reason. The Grenadier
no apparent reason. The Grenadier
on Wilton Row is one of the UK’s most on Wilton Row is one of the UK’s most haunted pubs, with more poltergeists haunted pubs, with more poltergeists than you know what to do with,
than you know what to do with, including the ghost of a young soldier, including the ghost of a young soldier, who was killed by his fellow comrades who was killed by his fellow comrades during a game of cards.
during a game of cards.

Where: Spaniard’s Inn – Spaniards

Spaniard’s Inn – Spaniards Road, Hampstead, NW3; The Volunteer Road, Hampstead, NW3; The Volunteer – 247 Baker Street, NW1; The Old
– 247 Baker Street, NW1; The Old Queen’s Head – 44 Essex Road, N1; Queen’s Head – 44 Essex Road, N1; The Grenadier – 18 Wilton Row, SW1. The Grenadier – 18 Wilton Row, SW1.
Price: Free entry, drinks extra!

Free entry, drinks extra!



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